Friday, September 25, 2009

the Common Melody...

It is one of the very common obstacles to face for a writer that is, how to begin his/her writing?

After a while of thought process, I think I'll go by some self introductory remarks on myself.

Firstly, this is not my first blog. I had another blog running @ but it's been a pain to maintain and the account almost gone inactive. So, I decided to shift...

Next, the title of this blog, it's weird, I KNOW!!! Still, what it is meant to convey is that this stage of my many writing phases has reached another degree of revelation on life, on meeting peoples & dealing with departures etc..

I used to go with "Complain & Compare" to what this life or society or world is all about. But, the change simply indicates that I'm already beyond comparing... It's almost like I gave up finding faults in imperfections of self, self & others and others alone.

For my first post, I'm gonna be humble a bit.... YOU will realize soon in later posts whether I'm really THAT humble or I'm not. I wanna express that there's a common melody that is playing in each of us, we are not that different cause our life revolved around routines.

Excitements or disappointments are simply the ups & downs of the musical notes in this rewinding melody.

Therefore, if we are hearing the same melody, I'm sure we''ll be in synch in no time. Catch the tempo, everyone... Embrace the songs of our lives, dear readers...

An additional remarks, I'm deeply, crazily, frenzily into music composing & song writing.. Maybe this blog will go in that direction in the future, do bear with it..

1 comment:

  1. wow~~
    finally u're here~ XD!!!
    waiting to c more "interesting" post of urs~ XD
